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Unable to plot series on Y2(right) axis for a composite ultrawebchart


I want to plot a series on Y2(right) axis using UltraWebchart component.

I followed all steps sequentially as per Netadvantage suite documentation ( However, still I am unable to get the series plotted on the right aixs.

Also, I face following problems:

  1. Legends are not displayed even though I am adding a CompositeLengend object to the chart.
  2. I have created two ChartLayerAppearance objects, one for series to be pltted on XY axis and another the series to be plotted on XY2 axis. However, the series on the later object are still not rendered as expected and instead some garbage series is output on XY series.

Any response will be hightly appreciated.

P.S. It is quite urgent.



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  • 26458
    Offline posted

    When you create the Y axis, you have to do this to make it appear on the right:
    axisY.OrientationType = AxisNumber.Y2_Axis
    series.AxisY = axisY

    Unfortunately, I don't know what's causing the other 2 problems without seeing your code.

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