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WebDataMenu for WebHierarchicalDataGrid results in error when isContextMenu is true



When I use the provided sample code to use the WebDataMenu for the WebHierarchicalDataGrid  control I am gettign the following error. I checked that there is no other control on the page and I renamed the Id multiple times and still i get the same error.

Error MEssage:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Two components with the same id 'ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_WebDataMenu1' can't be added to the application.


Your help is greatly appreciated.

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  • 33839

    Hi chimojo,

    Where exactly did you get the sample code?  From the samples browser?  What version and build number do you have?  Maybe try upgrading to the latest Service Release.  If you have a sample you can attach here, that would be great to look at.

    David Young 

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