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WebHierarchicalDataGrid fetching all data while paging

I am evaluating infragistics for one of the projects we are developing and run into this specific issue, I need advise if I am doing something wrong

I have attached an objectdatasource to webhierarchicaldatasource, enabled paging behaviour with inheritance set to true, objectdatasource paging enabled, getcount and getters with paging parameters are set for the objectdatasource, but when I debug the asp application, my objectdatasource is always called with pageindex and recordtofetch parameters as zero. On the same page I have WebDataGrid control using the same objectdatasource, and paging works just find.

Do you have any idea what I may be doing wrong?

It is not an option to fetch the whole data to the client to display as the data is huge (more than 4K records matching the criteria), so I definitely need paging.

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