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Some functions that do not work in FF 3.6

There are some functions that do not work or work incorrectly with FF 3.6 (more specific 3.6.3).

The test page are:

The detail list is below:

1. Message "That feature is not supported by your browser' when click on Cut/Copy/Paste buttons

2. Line breaks are deleted when apply style


2.1 Type in





2.2 Select them all

2.3 Select "Red bold" (or any other values)

2.4 => result is "thisisatest" with correct format

3. Insert special char does not work as expected


3.1 Type in any text

3.2 Select all of them

3.3 Select "Insert Special Character"

3.4 Select Ω (or any other chars)

3.5 Selected char is padded left to selected text instead of replacing the whole text

Please fix these as soon as possible or at least show a plan for fixing.


  • 24497

    Hi Nguyen,

    Thank you for report.

    Some actions like paste, copy, etc. are not supported by some browsers (besides IE), because of security access to clipboard from javascript. There is no work around for that. User should use built-in actions of browser like paste by Ctrl+V, copy by Ctrl+C, etc.

    Most formatiing actions used by WebHtmlEditor are short cuts for document.execCommand. For example, the "Red Bold" is similar to execCommand('formatblock', 'color:red;font-weight:bold')
    Different browsers may respond with different actions and remove block elements from selection. WebHtmlEditor is not able to modify or prevent that.

    The removing currently selected text by insert-special-character-action in Firefox will be fixed.

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