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Operation Aborted error in IE6

We are currently experiencing an issue in IE6 where if a user hovers over a web chart while the rest of the page is still loading it will throw an Operation Aborted exception and crash the app. From what I have gathered from other threads is that it is something along the lines of a premature firing of a hover event before all scripts are done loading.

In any event, we need this issue resolved. We were told by Registrations to download and install the Service Release of NetAdvantage for ASP.NET 2008 Vol. 1 [CLR 2.X]. We did that and are still experiencing the same issue. 

Aside from installing the service release do I need to do anything else?

  • 17605

    This is an interesting issue. Is this existing only on IE6? Can you try disabling the chart JavaScript client code with:

    this.UltraChart1.JavaScriptEnabled = false;

    and see if the issue still exist. Of course in this case you won’t have tooltips and chart events.

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