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PieChart For Sharepoint

Hi All,

I have genrated a 3D PieChart for Sharepoint,which shows the numeric columns included in any list of sharepoint.

But my pupose is to show the following thing in the pie chart.

If there are n numbers of list items in a list and out of them some are 'In Progress' ,other are 'Completed

' and rest are 'Not Started'  ,then i want to show this status column with corresponding counts of the items.

This is my first time on infragistics controls.......

Big Thanksss in advance





  • 26458
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted

    So from what I understand, you're trying to display tabulated frequencies as a pie chart. Unfortunately, the pie chart cannot calculate this on its own: it can only display the data as it appears in the datasource.

    What you need to do is loop through your data and calculate the number of occurrences for each of the categories you want to display. Then, create a small datasource containig how many times each category occurs and bind that to the pie chart. Hope this makes sense.

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