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Column header cutoff


I am having issues when  setting column widths in percentages and some columns headers get cuttoff.

Anyone know if this is a bug?

Is there a preferred way to handle this?

What I'm trying to do is wrap grid in div to achieve horizontal scroll.  Then set column widths to percentages.  I would expect that if the header text can't fit it would wrap, but that is not what I am seeing.

Im setting div width in pixels, grid width in pixels, and columns in percentages.






  • 14049
    Suggested Answer
    Offline posted


    The width of the columns is defined by the data and the headers get this size as well. If there is not enough space in the heder its text will wrap, except for the long words, these are not broken by the browser and appear cut off. I'd suggest giving a bigger percentage width for such columns.

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