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The first item on the list is always selected when auto-filtering

For example, the check drop-down list has the following items:

A1, A2, B1, B2, B3, B4, C1, C2

When 'B' is typed in the drop-down's filter text box, the 'B1' becomes the first on the list. I then check-mark only the 'B2' and 'B3' items and close the drop down.

After a postback, in the code behind I then determine which items were checked.

It appears, that along with 'B2' and 'B3' items, the 'B1's Selected property also appears to be True.

This is unexpected, because only 'B2' and 'B3' were checked.

Am I using the right approach to determine the checked items in the list? If not, what is the appropriate way to do so?

<ig:WebDropDown ID="cboCarrierLookUp" runat="server" Width="280px" AutoPostBack="False" EnableClosingDropDownOnSelect="False" CurrentValue="<< type company name here >>" EnableMultipleSelection="True" DropDownContainerHeight="200px" DropDownContainerMaxHeight="200px" EnableCachingOnClient ="True" EnableCustomValues="True" EnableCustomValueSelection="True" Height="21px" PageSize="0" EnableClosingDropDownOnBlur ="False" OnValueChanged="cboCarrierLookUp_ValueChanged" DisplayMode="DropDown" AutoFilterResultSize="100" AutoFilterTimeoutMs="100"><AutoPostBackFlags ValueChanged ="Off"/><ClientEvents DropDownClosed="WebDropDown_DropDownClosed" /> </ig:WebDropDown>