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Using UltrawebGrid and UltraWebGridDocumentExporter in code


I have been using an UltraWebGrid and UltraWebGridDocumentExporter on a web form (ASP.Net 2.0) to export a report in PDF.  To run the report I was directing my execution onto this form.

I would like to now have this functionality called from my code, without having to visit this form.  So I created a .cs class and copied and pasted my code in it.  Because the class does not contain any web controls, I only instantiated them in code like so:







UltraWebGrid1 = new UltraWebGrid();



// Set the WebGrid's view type to Hierarchical

UltraWebGrid1.DisplayLayout.ViewType = Infragistics.WebUI.UltraWebGrid.





// Bind the DataSet to the Grid

UltraWebGrid1.DataSource = incidentDataSet.Tables[0];




//Now set up the exporter



UltraWebGridDocumentExporter UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1 = new UltraWebGridDocumentExporter ();

UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.TargetPaperOrientation = Infragistics.Documents.Report.



UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.TargetPaperSize = Infragistics.Documents.Report.

PageSizes .A4;




//Export the report

UltraWebGridDocumentExporter1.Export(UltraWebGrid1, s);

When I call the export function on the UltraWebGridDocumentExporter, I get an error:

"object reference not set to an instance of an object"

Can I use the UltraWebGridDocumentExporter as I am?  What can the problem be?





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