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chart image position

I am using a pie chart that is located in a HTML table cell.

The table is located inside a fixed height div, so i can scroll down the table.

my problem is that when i scroll down the table, the image of the chart stays in it place and does not scroll down with the rest of the table.

when i looked in the HTML source code, I can see that the chart has style with position absolute. Am i missing a property on the designer that fixes the chart in absolute position?

 here is a part of the html that produced with the chart :

<div id="ctl04_pieDT" style="">
   <table id="ctl04_pieDT_table" style="left:0px; top:0px; position: relative; z-index:4;">
   <td style="left:0px; top:0px; width:180px; height:80px;" >
      <div style="left:0px; top:0px; position: relative; width:180px; height:80px;">

   <img id="ctl04_pieDT_BaseImage" src="GSNetImages/Chart_83.png?KxRx=0x02029"  onmousemove="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_BaseMove)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_BaseMove(event)" style="width:180px; height:80px; z-index:0; border-width:0px;" usemap="#RxActImg_ctl04_pieDT"    />
   <div id="ctl04_pieDT_igWindowVuer" style="position:absolute; z-index:1;"  > </div>
   <map onmousemove="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv(event, this);" name="RxActImg_ctl04_pieDT" id="RxActImg_ctl04_pieDT">
 <area onmouseout="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv(event, this,3,0,'MOUSE_OUT','04');" coords="54,40,93,41,93,48,90,55,87,61,83,66,78,71,72,75,66,78,59,79,53,79,46,79,39,76,33,73,28,69,23,64,19,58,16,52,15,45,15,39,15,32,18,25,21,19,25,14,30,9,36,5,42,2,49,1,55,1,62,1,69,4,75,7,80,11,85,16,89,22,92,28,93,35,93,40" onmouseover="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv(event, this,3,0,'MOUSE_OVER','04');" shape="poly" />
 <area onmouseout="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv(event, this,1,0,'MOUSE_OUT','04');" coords="54,40,93,40,93,41" onmouseover="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv(event, this,1,0,'MOUSE_OVER','04');" shape="poly" />
 <area onmouseout="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv(event, this,0,0,'MOUSE_OUT','04');" coords="54,40,94,40,93,40" onmouseover="if(typeof(ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv)!='undefined')ctl04_pieDT_pRcEv(event, this,0,0,'MOUSE_OVER','04');" shape="poly" />


   <div id="ctl04_pieDT_SB1_Location" style="position:absolute; z-index:2;" ></div>
   <div id="ctl04_pieDT_SB2_Location" style="position:absolute; z-index:2;" ></div>
   <div id="ctl04_pieDT_HairHorizontal"  style="font-size:1px; height:1px; width:1px; Background-Color:Blue; VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute; z-index:3; left=0px; top:0px;"  ></div>
   <div id="ctl04_pieDT_HairVertical"  style="font-size:1px; height:1px; width:1px; Background-Color:Blue; VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute; z-index:3; left=0px; top:0px;"  ></div>
   <div id="ctl04_pieDT_IGTooltip" style="VISIBILITY: hidden; POSITION: absolute; z-index:4;">Tooltip</div>



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  • 19308

    The chart is absolutely positioned inside of a container which is relatively positioned.  The net effect should be that the chart doesn't move inside of it's container, but it's container moves as expected in the table. 

    I tried your sample HTML, and it didn't have any scrollbars, so I couldn't reproduce what you were seeing on your end.  Can you paste an example that includes the HTML that will force scrollbars in the table?


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