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Webdatagrid column button clickevent

Hi everyone,

I hope you can help me with this, I am super new with web developing (I'm a developer) new to JavaScript and, here is my issue, I have a WebDataGrid with four columns:

1- Reference No (Bounded Field from SqlDataSource)

2- Status (Bounded Field from SqlDataSource)

3- TemplateField with a buttom called (Approve)

4- TemplateField with a buttom called (Reject)

so what I want is when I click one of the buttons an SQL command will be fired to update the database, the problem that I couldn't get the column(Reference No) value of the clicked row to execute the query, so I need something like this:

"update Table set status="Approved" where ref_no=(ClickedRowIndex.Cell(Reference No).value)"

thanks in advance,


I managed to find a way to get the selected row index and it value, but the problem that I am facing now is when I click the button the selected row doesn't change (doesn't get focused), I have to click on any cell except the button to get a selected row and then I have to click the button, is there any way to set the selected row when the button is clicked?

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