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WebDropDown scrollbar loses the focus



We are experiencing some troubles with the Infragistics WebDropDown control. We are enabling the multiselect property (Using the default Checkbox control).


The first time we open the drop down list and scroll using the vertical scrollbar, the scrollbar loses the focus. The loss of focus only happens in  the first try after opening the drop down list, and at a random displacement and duration each time. After this first error, the vertical srollbar functions correctly up until the drop down list is closed.


We are experiencing this problem using the simplest version of the object:



Thank you very much and best regards,

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    Hello Ruben,

    Thank you for contacting the Infragistics support!

    I have tried to reproduce the issue that you describe but I was not able to see this misbehavior. I tested in Chrome, IE 11, Edge and Opera.

    Would you please run the sample that I am attaching here and let me know if you are still able to replicate the issue using it? If it is so - could you please add more information on the environment in which you are executing your scenario? If the attached sample is not correctly replicating your scenario - please update it and provide me with the correct sample so that I would be able to investigate it further!

    I am looking forward to your response!

    Best regards,
    Alexander Marinov

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