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WebDataGrid - Large Data Load Performance Options


I am using the WebDataGrid control from version 14.1.20141.2392 and checking to see if there are any options or suggestions on improving the rendering/loading time of WebDataGrid that has large set of data.  For example, I noticed in a production environment, it took approximately three (3) minutes for the grid to render that had 14,444 rows (up to 17 columns).  I confirmed that that our query to generate the results did not have any impact and even noticed in IE F12 Developer Tools that the Profiler tab reflects the time spent on Infragistic control.  

My questions are:

1) Is there anyway to improve the rendering time?

2) Does this control support paging or lazy loading?

3) Is there another grid control that you offer that can handle this large set of data but also provide the ability to sort and filter columns?

Please let me know if you have any questions.



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