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left justify a webcurrencyeditor

I'm trying to left justify the value in a webcurrencyeditor.  I've tried an inline style and a CssClass style, trying to get into the input field inside the control.  No matter what I do, there is an inline style applied apparently by the control which forces it to be right justified.  Is there a way to add a style to left justify?

  • 10685
    Verified Answer
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    Thank you for posting in our community! 

    There are a couple of ways to achieve this. 

    The first one is to use the editor inbuilt API and set HorizontalAlign="Left".
    For example:

    <ig:WebCurrencyEditor ID="WebCurrencyEditor1" runat="server" HorizontalAlign="Left"></ig:WebCurrencyEditor> 

    In case you would like to use a css class to style this, it will not be pretty and yet you can set a custom css class and force the text-align using !important like,
    <ig:WebCurrencyEditor ID="WebCurrencyEditor1" runat="server" CssClass="asd"></ig:WebCurrencyEditor>

    .asd {  text-align:left !important;  }

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