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Sorting a grid using multiple values from the drop down.

I am working with an UltraGrid in version 11. I need to sort a single column based on multiple selections from the sort drop down. Currently the column sorts based on the single selection from the Sort drop down. I want to be able to select multiple values from that drop down. This is not the same as HeaderClickAction.SortMulti.

Is this possible to do in this version? Thank you

  • 22852
    Offline posted


    Sorting will sort the grid ascending or descending based on the value of a single column or if multi-column sort is enabled, multiple columns.  Please clarify what you mean by you want to sort based on multiple selections as there is really only three possible states related to sorting for a column: unsorted, sorted ascending, and sorted descending.  Is it possible that you are asking about filtering rather than sorting and need to filter based on multiple values?

    Please note that 2011 Volume 1 is retired and no longer supported.  It will also help if you provide a running sample that demonstrates the challenge that you want to overcome as that will help us understand the issue.

    Let me know if you have any questions with this matter.

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