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Position labels on ultrachart


I'm currently struggling with the labels on the x axis of my graph. I want to be able to put the labels between the tickmarks instead of on the tickmarks themselves and put text instead of numbers on the axis.

I've currently succeeded in replacing the numbers with the text by using IRenderLabel


The target i want to achieve however is the image below, so the labels should shift right, i tried cheating by adding some spaces in front of the labels but that did not give the result i wanted. The Major gridlines do need to stay in the same spot however, also see image below. Any help is much appreciated.


An extra question i have, can i put the x axis on top instead of the bottom?

Thanks in advance!

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  • 25665
    Offline posted

    Hello Bert,

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics!

    The label are designed to be rendered/placed at the tickmarks there isn’t a way to have them display between them. As for making the x-axis appear on top what you will want to do is use the X2 axis instead of the X axis. It will automatically display on top as long as you set visible true on it.

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