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Sorting and Filtering DateTime field in WebDataGrid


I'm using a WebHierarchicalDataGrid which has a DateTime field to be bound. I have enabled sorting and filtering. When I execute the page I'm getting the following error message.

The filtering rule condition of type Infragistics.Web.UI.GridControls.RuleNumberNode is not an appropriate type for column <Column Name>, which is of type System.DateTime.

It's working fine if I removed the filtering at all. But I need filtering as well. I tried converting my DateTime field in the stored procedure as "CONVERT( VARCHAR(10), I.InvoiceDate, 101)". Then it's working fine, but the sorting is happening wrongly for this column.

I also tried adding ColumnFilters with the RuleDateNode for the grid as follow, but it still throws the same error.

        <ig:ColumnFilter ColumnKey="InvoiceDate">
                <ig:RuleDateNode Rule="Equals"/>

My ultimate goal is to have both Sorting and Filtering for my DateTime field and I'm wondering how Infragistics does not have this. How can I achieve this?

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