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Web Data Menu RTL SubMenu Position RIGHT


I am using infragistics V14 in my project and need to do RTL direction on the webpage. I changed the direction but facing an issue in the display of the submenu. The dropdown submenu should be from the right side of the parent rather than the left side. I clearly marked that in the below image. Please help how to solve this.

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  • 2095
    Verified Answer

    Hello Prabakaran G,

    Thank you for posting in our community!

    Version 14 of our products is not supported anymore for changes and new features. Also WebDataMenu does not supports RTL feature as you wanted to.

    I would like to provide you a custom solution that uses the width of the parent item, the left and width of the child item and changes its position with JS.

    It would be easy if you use the client event of the WebDataMenu - "ItemExpanding", which is triggered after the child menu is rendered, but before it is visual - the perfect moment to change the layout.

    One more thing - "adjusted" attribute will be added to each child menu that is adjusted with that JS code, so next time when we want to visualize it, it should not be adjusted again (each adjustment changes the left position of the child menu), if has that attribute.

    Please, find the attached solution!
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