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WebChart X Axis Column from Stored Procedure

Ok, so I am very new to Infragistics. I have a data-grid which displays the following information HOURS | OPERATION | BOARDS PROCESSED, I am needing to display this information via column chart. I can get the data to display no problem. However, with the current application that is being used the X-Axis displays the number of boards processed and the hour in which those numbers were given. For instance at 6AM there were 200 board processed on line 1. The chart would/should show 06:00 on the X-Axis and Y-Axis the number of boards processed. There is a stored procedure in place which is outlined below. The "Hour" just to the right of TxDate is what I am needing to display on the X-Axis, which as you can see for hour 1 shows 06:00. The screenshot attached shows what the chart currently looks like and what I am attempting to accomplish. Thanks for the help in advance.

--Shift 1, Line 1, Hour 1
  INSERT INTO FactoryServerMES.dbo.HourlyProductionRate(Shift, Line,TxDate, Hour, OperationID, FriendlyName, BoardProcessed)
  SELECT @Shift, 1,@StartDate, '06:00', TX.OperationID, FriendlyName, COUNT(DISTINCT(CustomerLotID))
  FROM fsWIPTxHist Tx INNER JOIN FactoryServerMES.dbo.fsOperation O ON TX.OperationID = O.OperationID
  WHERE customerlotid <> '5D25984G1412%'
   and (Tx.DateCreated BETWEEN  @StartDate + '06:00:00' AND @StartDate + '06:59:59')
   AND (Status='Avail')
   AND TX.OperationID IN (@OperationTaskID)
  --group by Tx.OperationID
  GROUP BY TX.OperationID, FriendlyName

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