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Need help on getcelldata and Columnmove option in swftree view using qtp10.0


 in our application we have a Swf tree view (grid view), as you see in the attached screenshot, we need to pull the data from the third column ie. the "Claimant", is it possible to pull the value. We tried the following code

set tree = swfwindow("window").swftree("tree")


and it tell to check whether the node is available or not

Is it possible to use the Columnmove function to move the third column to the first, since the first column retrives a balnk value.

thanks in advance

  • 7695
    Offline posted


       Yes I am assuming by pull the data you mean that you want to get or retrieve the data from the cell. In which case, as long as you are using TestAdvantage of the matching version to your NetAdvantage then you should be able to use:

    ' Tree.GetCellData(sNodeId, sCellKey)
    x = Tree.GetCellData("\74", "Column5")
    msgbox x

    As to moving a column this should also be viable via :

    ' Tree.MoveColumn sColumnSet, sColumn, iOriginX, iOriginY
    Tree.MoveColumn "","Claimant", "0","0"

    I hope this helps you with what you are trying to do


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