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Offlline on the mac on Office 365 not working


the whole point of purchasing Shareplus Pro for Mac was to have a simple interface to work offline.  I set up syncing as documented.  All down-arrows are green.  I double-click the icon (not the file name) to launch Word.  Works nicely when online.  Can't connect to server when offline.  All green means all cached, right?  What am I doing wrong?



  • 25

    More on the workflow that remains a puzzle:

    I see that if I double-click the document's icon, it runs the default command, which is to open from the server, which doesn't work if I'm offline.  Right-click and the 2nd command is "open from local".  OK.  Why isn't THAT the default when double-clicking while offline.  So I do that.  Make a change to the doc.  Can't save it because it's read-only.  In other words, I CANNOT WORK OFFLINE with this product.  Or am I missing something?  Somebody?  Bueller?

    If you tell me I have to save it under a different name, that's not an answer that makes sense.

    On Windows, Office 365 comes w/ Skydrive Pro which makes all this transparent.  Why isn't there a Mac product like that?  Why isn't THIS product like that?  Users, particularly Mac users who get their food chewed for them by the machine, cannot deal w/ the mechanics of "what mode am I in?", "where is my file right now?", etc.  Why not have a local folder dedicated to mirroring the remote repository, like, say, Dropbox and the likes?



    p.s. what's w/ the "tags" fields in this forum?  No matter what word I enter, I'm told it's not a tag.  What about a list of what IS a tag handy, then?

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