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Problem with autocomplete of WebCombo beyond row range

Hi, I'm using webcombo with ultrawebgrid for a long time. But with raising of no. of rows binding to the webcombo (~500 rows), the performance is very slow when the page is loading or trying to edit the cell for the first time, so trying to figure it out by setting RowsRange to 100, hope that the initial loading can be lighter. 

The loading time is better. However, there is another problem. For the autocomplete, it can only get the first 100 records. If I do not open the list and scroll to the end, the rows beyond the row range cannot be auto filled. Is there any setting or solution for this except open and scroll the list manually?

Thanks in advance.

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  • 10685
    Offline posted

    Hello otel,


    As you are referencing the retired controls, I suggest other users have already faced and discussed this issue while the were largely used. I suggest you to search through our community for similar posts/issues.

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