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XamGrid with ObservableCollection<MyInterface>

I have a XAMGrid bound to ObservableCollection<MyObject>.  MyObject contains a number of fields including one field that is ObservableCollection<MyInterface>.  MyInterface defines several properties, including a property Rows of type ObservableCollection<Object>.  I have a few different classes that implement MyInterface, each implementing the Rows property with its own underlying object. 


In XML, I have  


<ig:XamGrid Name="myGrid" ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource MyObject}, Path=objects}"

<ig:TextColumn Key="objectAttr1" />

<ig:TextColumn Key="objectAttr2" />

<ig:ColumnLayout Key="MyInterfaceObservableCollection" >


<ig:TextColumn Key=" interfaceProp1" />

<ig:TextColumn Key=" interfaceProp2" />

<ig:ColumnLayout AutoGenerateColumns="true" Key="Rows" >




<ig:XamGrid />


The grid displays and has the expected hierarchy of child bands.  All objectAttr* columns and interfaceProp* columns display properly.  When I expand the first Rows child band that implements MyInterface, it expands and displays the correct columns with the correct headers as defined in attributes of the underlying object.  The problem I encounter is that when I expand the next Rows child band that implements a different underlying object, I see the columns from the first object and none of them are populated.  If I refresh the page and open the Rows child bands in a different order, I always get the child band columns for the first Rows child band that I expand.


I would like to bind a XamGrid to an ObservableCollection<MyInterface> that returns differing rows and be able to see the appropriate columns for the different implementations of MyInterface.  Is this possible?

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