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Dynamically Assigning Color for Background :: QuantitativeScale

Is there a way to change the background of a QuantitativeScale or other parts of  a Bullet graph programmically.

I'm probably not approaching it correctly, but I was looking for something like:

    xamBulletGraph1.Scale.QuantitativeScale.Background = "<color>";

I'm guessing I have to some type of Binding, like the other dynamic data - but do I have to create a "model" for this too? Or can I bind it straight to a variable?

Baby steps.... :-)


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    Verified Answer


    The Scale property returns the Quantitative Scale so you can change the background like this:

    xamBulletGraph1.Scale.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Colors.Magenta);

    The Background property is of type Brush and the snippet assigns a SolidColorBrush, which uses the predefined color Red - list with predefined colors.

    You can also use Infragistics.ColorConverter.FromString("#FF2582A9") to obtain a color from a string: 

    xamBulletGraph1.Scale.Background = new SolidColorBrush(Infragistics.ColorConverter.FromString("#FF2582A9"));

    Here are topics, which will guide you how to work with the Quantitative Scale and its Qualitative Ranges in code-behind -  Quantitative Scale and Qualitative Ranges 


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