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navigaton to URL in Hyperlink column in XamGrid


I have used Xamgrid , where i hav hyperlink col for my projectid and i want to  navigate to other webaddres

For Example:  http://mytestsite/pages.aspx?projectid=1111

how can i provide this type of url on the click of my projectid hyperlinkcolumn , the projectid  will differ for every cell , i am listing my projects which shows some data along with projectid , on click of particular projectid , the more details should be opened

Thanks in Advance

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  • 6912
    Verified Answer


    If you just want to create an additional column with a hyperlink based on another column you can use UnboundColumn and converter to create the hyperlink.

    First you need a converter:

    public class Conv : IValueConverter
    	public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
    		if (value is int && targetType == typeof(Uri))
    			return new Uri(string.Format("http://mytestsite/pages.aspx?projectid={0}", value));
    		return null;
    	public object ConvertBack(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, System.Globalization.CultureInfo culture)
    		throw new NotImplementedException();

    Then add an UnboundColumn:

            <local:Conv x:Key="Conv" />
    	<ig:TextColumn Key="Id" />
    	<ig:UnboundColumn Key="MyUnboundColumnWithHyperlink">
    				<HyperlinkButton Content="Navigate to Page" NavigateUri="{Binding RowData.Id, Converter={StaticResource Conv}}" />

    I hope that this will help you.

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