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Resize & Minimize xamWebOutlookBar

To be able to resize the OutlookBar (but no minimize), set the width properties on for the parent grid column:

<ColumnDefinition Width="250" MinWidth="40" MaxWidth="400" />

And on the OutlookBar set:



To allow the OutlookBar to be minimized (but no resize), set the width property on the parent grid column to:

<ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />

And on the OutlookBar set:

<igOB:XamWebOutlookBar x:Name="outlookBar1" MinimizedWidth="35" AllowMinimized="True"
                               Style="{StaticResource XamWebOutlookBarStyle1}"
                               GroupContainerStyle="{StaticResource OutlookBarGroupStyle1}"
                                   VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch">


But when I try to combine the two approaches, strange things happen.  When I resize the column and then minimize the OutlookBar, the minimized bar is no longer on the left and the first column is wider than the panel.

Is there any way to combine the two so that I can resize the OutlookBar between a minimum and maximum width but also minimize the OutlookBar?