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Changing the language of XamCalendar control

It seems that XamCalendar control uses the language of the current regional setting (Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture) instead of CurrentUICulture that defines the used language. I tried to set the Language-property of the control but it doesn't seem to make a difference. 

Is there a way to change the language but still keep different regional formatting of the XamCalendar control?

We are using the 14.1 version of the controls.

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  • 17475
    Offline posted

    Hello Ariman and thank you for posting!

    Back in 14.1 some of the controls (the Silverlight based ones) were using CurrentCulture for resolving resources. This was changed in version 15.1 and later so the controls are now using the CurrentUICulture. I could suggest you upgrading to the latest version where CurrentUICulture is applied. Please feel free to let me know if you have any other questions.

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