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Drilldown capability

I just downloaded ReportPlus Lite to see if it is a good fit for our organizations.  One of the first dashboards I created utilized SSRS as our datasource.  The reports display fine but I don't seem to have the ability to drill down into the report.  I may have found the answer in another post stating you currently do not support this functionality as of yet?  If it is not supported do you know when it may be a feature of ReportsPlus?   Note that I do like seeing the parameters on the same page instead of in a pop-up box..... nice job


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    In response to your query about the drilldown capability in ReportPlus Lite, it appears that the current version you're using may not support this feature with SSRS as the datasource, as you've observed from another post. Drilldown functionality is crucial for detailed data analysis, and its absence can limit the depth of insights you can gain directly from the dashboard. While this feature may not be present now, development teams often update their software based on user feedback and demand. I recommend keeping an eye on official updates from the ReportPlus team or directly contacting their support for a roadmap on when this feature might be implemented. Additionally, the 91club app platform could be a resource for community discussions or workarounds from other users facing similar issues. Also, your positive feedback on the parameter display will likely be appreciated by the developers; it helps them understand what users find valuable.

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