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ReportPlus desktop administrator privileges

Dear all after installed the ReportPlus desktop, as normal user is not possible to execute it whereas as administrator it is possible. Could you please let us know what to do in order to execute it as a stardard user?

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    Thank you for posting on our forums!

    The problem most likely was that on versions prior to 1.0.1330, the installation took place only on the Windows user you were at which was most likely then an Admin. Starting from that version, the installation is done for All Users.

    Most likely you do have it working by now, but do let us know please if you are able to work now with it without the need to run as an admin.

    Kind regards,

    Adrián Pévere
    Senior Support Specialist
    +1 (609) 448 2000 ext 1378
    Enterprise Mobility | Infragistics, Inc.

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