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Hiding Pinned Rows from Bottom Panel


I'm testing your Grid control for use in an internal application however the pinning behaviour doesn't precisely fit our use case.

From this reference:

It states "When a row is pinned, it will be duplicated at the top of the Data Grid and remain fixed there with a light gray background and its actual (or original) row in the Data Grid will be rendered with low opacity, making it clear to the user this is a special row."

My question is how can I just not show those low-opacity rows in the grid?  Our use case requires them to be pinned at the top which is perfect, but those rows will be an issue and may prevent me from licensing these controls for our use.

How can I get around this?



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  • 28945
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    Hello Phil, 

    Thank you for contacting Infragistics. Duplicating the row is it's intended behavior and there is no other mode to achieve your desired results. I would suggest submitting a new product idea but we are in the middle of porting our Angular grid to React. Unforutnately the Angular grid also duplicates the rows. I've asked our team for clarification on this manner and I will follow up if I have a workaround. Ultimately this is the expected design for pinning rows. The existing IgrDataGrid will become deprecated and replaced with the new IgrGrid in the future. If you suggest a new product idea it's best to submit on our Angular page so it gets ported over to React for a future revision.

    Let me know if you have any questions.

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