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Facing issue while retrieving the filtered rows.


I want a small clarification on one of the use case related to IgrDataGrid (

When we apply filter on any column then we want to retrieve the rows which are visible on the grid, so is there any way to get the filtered rows.

So, for this I need to know how can we achieve that , If there is any solution for this please suggest  as I need to implement this in my IgrDataGrid.   

Hoping for a positive response.


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  • 28945
    Offline posted

    Hello and thank you for contacting Infragistics. You may use the grid's actualDataSource property to retrieve the viewable records on screen at given time. This will update every time a filter is applied, modified etc.


    From here you can get items by index to retrieve certain values based on properties in your array the grid is bound ot. 
    Retreive the first name from first row.
    Let me know if you have any questions.
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