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Facing issue while using full space for column name. in IgrDataGrid.


I want a small clarification on one of the use case related to IgrDataGrid (

I have used IgrDataGrid, in that I want to use the maximum space for the column name , as in the screenshot the Address column has some space but still the name is not fully visible.

So, for this I need to know that is it possible to do so? If there is any solution for this please suggest  as I need to implement this in my IgrDataGrid.   

Hoping for a positive response.


  • 7375
    Offline posted


    Thank you for your post. Yes you are right i am also able to reproduce the issue. I open the development tool and find the dom element and notice that there is no class assigned ti it otherwise using the style we could set the width to that column.

    This looks like a dev issue to me so i logged it into github at :

    You can also update the issue any time if you want.

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