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Filter options Contains and not show in some coluns

I am seeing the Web Components Grid Filtering Example

And i am not found how i can change on load "Equal" to "Contains" is some columns, and in other columns that not appears the filter.

And image better can clarify what i want

thanks in advance for your help


  • 34430
    Offline posted

    Hello Josep Maria,

    I have been investigating into the behavior you are looking to achieve in this case, and I am rather unsure which grid you are asking about, as your screenshot shows the Ignite UI for React grid, but you also asked about the Ignite UI for Web Components grid.

    I am under the impression that you are looking to have the “Contains” filter operand as the “default” operand in the columns of the IgrDataGrid or the IgcDataGrid component and have that be available for all column types. Please correct me if my impression above is wrong, as the following is based on that impression.

    The IgrDataGrid and IgcDataGrid share the same API, but unfortunately at the time of writing this, there does not exist a way to change the default filter operator in the filter row, as it takes the first one available for each column, which is “Equals”. The filter operators available are also completely dependent on the underlying data type of the column. For example, the Igr/IgcTextColumn has contains, as this column type is meant to display/interact with strings whereas the Igr/IgcNumericColumn does not, as it has more numeric-centric filters. It is possible to create your own filter expressions in this case though, which you can see from the samples at the below links for React and WebComponents:

    - React:
    - Web Components:

    If you would like to see the ability to change the filter operator or add existing ones to the different column types of the grid, I would recommend suggesting a new feature request for these behaviors at our GitHub pages for Ignite UI for React and/or Ignite UI for Web Components. This will place you in direct communication with our product teams who plan and prioritize upcoming features and development based on community and user feedback. You can find the links to these GitHub pages below:

    Web Components:

    Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns on this matter.

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