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Hide the right panel?

I posted this in the wrong forum, which is probably why no one replied LOL. So I am trying again here, where it should have gone in the first place.

I want to be able to show/hide the panel of minimized tiles when I maximize a single tile so that I can give as much room as possible to the active tile. I find that the splitter control will only allow you to slide down to the width of a single column of tiles. Is there a way to make the splitter pull all the way to the right? Or a "hide/show" example for hiding/showing the tile panel? And please don't tell me to see the code for the Ignite UI menu sample. It is so full of extraneous stuff that I cannot make heads nor tails of how it works. A simplified ASP.MVC 4 Razor example would be great.

The only workaround I have found is this:









For some reason, adding the RightPanelTilesWidth() property with some "px" value causes the minimized tiles to disappear until you click the minimize icon in the maximized window. It isn't ideal but it works. I would still prefer to be able to resize it or have a button or something to control this behavior.



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