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What are the minimal scripts required to run the igDialog?

I'm using 2013 v1, I have quite a complex ASP.NET MVC4 page which also has some other 3rd party web components on it that use Jquery, that have their own built-in initializers etc.

I'm trying to add the igDialog to the page, yet I keep getting the following error...


 JavaScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'widget'

I've heard this problem is from declaring Jquery twice on a page. Yet the only infragistics scripts I'm including are

If I remove any of those 2, I'm told Object doesn't support property or method 'igDialog'
or Unable to get property 'loader' of undefined or null reference

I've also tried just the MVC Loader wrapper yet I have no luck with that either.

So what are the minimum includes I need just to get the dialog working? 


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  • 3115
    Verified Answer
    Offline posted

    Hi Greg,

    Usually this error is caused by missing jQuery UI library.

    Please double check if it's included to your page?


    If you use igLoader to load scripts it will load you the needed infgratistics scripts.



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