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Search igHierarchicalGrid by text on all levels and columns.


I'm new to Infragistics and I am trying to implement a search by text on a HierarchicalGrid. I am using an XML as the table Datasource. This what i have done so far.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src=""></script>
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<input type="text" id="filterType" />
<table id="hierarchicalGrid1"></table>


      $(function () {

            //Sample XML Data
            /*var xmlDoc = '<OrgChart Name="All Employees">' +
                '<Employee Name="Gustavo Achong" Age="42" Email="">' +
                    '<Employee Name="Kim Abercrombie" Age="33" Email="" />' +
                    '<Employee Name="Lawrence Tapley" Age="52" Email="" />' +
                '</Employee>' +
                '<Employee Name="Catherine Abel" Age="27" Email="">' +
                    '<Employee Name="Kristen Anderson" Age="30" Email="" />' +
                    '<Employee Name="Richard Lee" Age="25" Email="" />' +
                    '<Employee Name="Victoria Gramley" Age="23" Email="" />' +
                '</Employee>' +
                '<Employee Name="Adrienne Mauro" Age="27" Email="">' +
                    '<Employee Name="Christopher Chadwick" Age="37" Email="" />' +
                '</Employee>' +
            var xmlDoc = '<FullTransaction xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" type="832" id="0" parentid="0" POStatus="0" source="0" isclient="0">   <Loop type="Main" count="4">     <RepeatingSegment type="ST" count="1">       <Segment type="ST" count="2">         <Element type="ST01" name="Transaction Set Identifier Code" value="832">832</Element>         <Element type="ST02" name="Transaction Set Control Number" value="1234">1234</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="BCT" count="1">       <Segment type="BCT" count="4">         <Element type="BCT01" name="Catalog Purpose Code" value="Sales Catalog">SC</Element>         <Element type="BCT02" name="Catalog Number" value="LPCSC0224202159">LPCSC0224202159</Element>         <Element type="BCT03" name="Catalog Version Number" value="1254">1254</Element>         <Element type="BCT10" name="Transaction Set Purpose Code" value="Original">00</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="CUR" count="1">       <Segment type="CUR" count="2">         <Element type="CUR01" name="Identification code" value="Selling Party">SE</Element>         <Element type="CUR02" name="Currency code" value="USD">USD</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="SE" count="1">       <Segment type="SE" count="2">         <Element type="SE01" name="Number Of Included Segments" value="832">832</Element>         <Element type="SE02" name="Transaction Set Control Number" value="2">1234</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>   </Loop>   <Loop uid="2" type="LIN" count="5">     <RepeatingSegment type="LIN" count="1">       <Segment type="LIN" count="7">         <Element type="LIN01" name="Assigned Identification" value="1">1</Element>         <Element type="LIN02" name="Product/Service Id Qualifier" value="Vendors Part Number">VP</Element>         <Element type="LIN03" name="Product/Service Id" value="AC-3-MFI">AC-3-MFI</Element>         <Element type="LIN04" name="Product/Service Id Qualifier" value="Manufacturers Part Number">MG</Element>         <Element type="LIN05" name="Product/Service Id" value="AC-3-MFI">AC-3-MFI</Element>         <Element type="LIN06" name="Product/Service Id Qualifier" value="U.P.C. Consumer Package Code">UP</Element>         <Element type="LIN07" name="Product/Service Id" value="123">123</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="DTM" count="1">       <Segment type="DTM" count="2">         <Element type="DTM01" name="DateType" value="Effective">007</Element>         <Element type="DTM02" name="Date" value="20170905">20170905</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="YNQ" count="1">       <Segment type="YNQ" count="2">         <Element type="YNQ02" name="Response Code" value="No">N</Element>         <Element type="YNQ05" name="Free Text" value="SERIALIZED">SERIALIZED</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="PID" count="1">       <Segment type="PID" count="2">         <Element type="PID01" name="?tem Description Type" value="F">F</Element>         <Element type="PID05" name="Description" value="Anywhere Cart 3ft Lightning MFI Certified Cable">Anywhere Cart 3ft Lightning MFI Certified Cable</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="PO4" count="1">       <Segment type="PO4" count="11">         <Element type="PO401" name="Pack" value="1">1</Element>         <Element type="PO402" name="Size" value="1">1</Element>         <Element type="PO403" name="UOM" value="Each">EA</Element>         <Element type="PO404" name="Packaging code" value="123">123</Element>         <Element type="PO405" name="Weight Qualifier" value="U">U</Element>         <Element type="PO406" name="Gross Weight" value="1">1</Element>         <Element type="PO407" name="UOM" value="Pound">LB</Element>         <Element type="PO410" name="Length" value="2">2</Element>         <Element type="PO411" name="Width" value="2">2</Element>         <Element type="PO412" name="Height" value="2">2</Element>         <Element type="PO413" name="UOM" value="Inch">IN</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <Loop uid="3" type="CTP" count="2">       <RepeatingSegment type="CTP" count="1">         <Segment type="CTP" count="2">           <Element type="CTP02" name="Price Identifier Code" value="CDW Price">C01</Element>           <Element type="CTP03" name="USD" value="9">9</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>       <RepeatingSegment type="LDT" count="1">         <Segment type="LDT" count="3">           <Element type="LDT01" name="Lead Time Code" value="AE">AE</Element>           <Element type="LDT02" name="Quantity" value="1">1</Element>           <Element type="LDT03" name="Interval" value="Calendar Days">DA</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>     </Loop>     <Loop uid="3" type="CTP" count="2">       <RepeatingSegment type="CTP" count="1">         <Segment type="CTP" count="2">           <Element type="CTP02" name="Price Identifier Code" value="Manufacturers Suggested Retail">MSR</Element>           <Element type="CTP03" name="USD" value="25">25</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>       <RepeatingSegment type="LDT" count="1">         <Segment type="LDT" count="3">           <Element type="LDT01" name="Lead Time Code" value="AE">AE</Element>           <Element type="LDT02" name="Quantity" value="1">1</Element>           <Element type="LDT03" name="Interval" value="Calendar Days">DA</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>     </Loop>     <Loop uid="3" type="N1" count="1">       <RepeatingSegment type="N1" count="1">         <Segment type="N1" count="2">           <Element type="N101" name="Entity Identifier Code" value="Manufacturer of Goods">MF</Element>           <Element type="N102" name="Free-form name" value="ANYWHERE CART">ANYWHERE CART</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>     </Loop>   </Loop>   <Loop uid="4" type="LIN" count="5">     <RepeatingSegment type="LIN" count="1">       <Segment type="LIN" count="7">         <Element type="LIN01" name="Assigned Identification" value="2">2</Element>         <Element type="LIN02" name="Product/Service Id Qualifier" value="Vendors Part Number">VP</Element>         <Element type="LIN03" name="Product/Service Id" value="AC-45">AC-45</Element>         <Element type="LIN04" name="Product/Service Id Qualifier" value="Manufacturers Part Number">MG</Element>         <Element type="LIN05" name="Product/Service Id" value="AC-45">AC-45</Element>         <Element type="LIN06" name="Product/Service Id Qualifier" value="U.P.C. Consumer Package Code">UP</Element>         <Element type="LIN07" name="Product/Service Id" value="123">123</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="DTM" count="1">       <Segment type="DTM" count="2">         <Element type="DTM01" name="DateType" value="Effective">007</Element>         <Element type="DTM02" name="Date" value="20171009">20171009</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="YNQ" count="1">       <Segment type="YNQ" count="2">         <Element type="YNQ02" name="Response Code" value="Yes">Y</Element>         <Element type="YNQ05" name="Free Text" value="SERIALIZED">SERIALIZED</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="PID" count="1">       <Segment type="PID" count="2">         <Element type="PID01" name="?tem Description Type" value="F">F</Element>         <Element type="PID05" name="Description" value="45 BAY - ANYWHERE CART W/ INTELLI-SENSE TIMER-SECURE CHARGING CART">45 BAY - ANYWHERE CART W/ INTELLI-SENSE TIMER-SECURE CHARGING CART</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <RepeatingSegment type="PO4" count="1">       <Segment type="PO4" count="11">         <Element type="PO401" name="Pack" value="1">1</Element>         <Element type="PO402" name="Size" value="1">1</Element>         <Element type="PO403" name="UOM" value="Each">EA</Element>         <Element type="PO404" name="Packaging code" value="123">123</Element>         <Element type="PO405" name="Weight Qualifier" value="U">U</Element>         <Element type="PO406" name="Gross Weight" value="210">210</Element>         <Element type="PO407" name="UOM" value="Pound">LB</Element>         <Element type="PO410" name="Length" value="32">32</Element>         <Element type="PO411" name="Width" value="27">27</Element>         <Element type="PO412" name="Height" value="50">50</Element>         <Element type="PO413" name="UOM" value="Inch">IN</Element>       </Segment>     </RepeatingSegment>     <Loop uid="5" type="CTP" count="2">       <RepeatingSegment type="CTP" count="1">         <Segment type="CTP" count="2">           <Element type="CTP02" name="Price Identifier Code" value="CDW Price">C01</Element>           <Element type="CTP03" name="USD" value="1259">1259</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>       <RepeatingSegment type="LDT" count="1">         <Segment type="LDT" count="3">           <Element type="LDT01" name="Lead Time Code" value="AE">AE</Element>           <Element type="LDT02" name="Quantity" value="1">1</Element>           <Element type="LDT03" name="Interval" value="Calendar Days">DA</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>     </Loop>     <Loop uid="5" type="CTP" count="2">       <RepeatingSegment type="CTP" count="1">         <Segment type="CTP" count="2">           <Element type="CTP02" name="Price Identifier Code" value="Manufacturers Suggested Retail">MSR</Element>           <Element type="CTP03" name="USD" value="1899">1899</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>       <RepeatingSegment type="LDT" count="1">         <Segment type="LDT" count="3">           <Element type="LDT01" name="Lead Time Code" value="AE">AE</Element>           <Element type="LDT02" name="Quantity" value="1">1</Element>           <Element type="LDT03" name="Interval" value="Calendar Days">DA</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>     </Loop>     <Loop uid="5" type="N1" count="1">       <RepeatingSegment type="N1" count="1">         <Segment type="N1" count="2">           <Element type="N101" name="Entity Identifier Code" value="Manufacturer of Goods">MF</Element>           <Element type="N102" name="Free-form name" value="ANYWHERE CART">ANYWHERE CART</Element>         </Segment>       </RepeatingSegment>     </Loop>   </Loop> </FullTransaction>'

        //Binding to XML requires a schema to define data fields
            var xmlSchema = new $.ig.DataSchema("xml",
                    //searchField serves as the base node(s) for the XPaths
                    searchField: "FullTransaction",
                    childDataProperty: "Loop",
                    fields: [
                        { name: "type", xpath: "@type" },
						{ name: "count", xpath: "@count" },
                        { name: "LIN01", xpath: "./RepeatingSegment/Segment/Element[@type='LIN01']/@value" },
						{ name: "LIN03", xpath: "./RepeatingSegment/Segment/Element[@type='LIN03']/@value" },
						{ name: "LIN05", xpath: "./RepeatingSegment/Segment/Element[@type='LIN03']/@value" },
                        /*{ name: "Email", xpath: "@Email" },*/
                        { name: "Loop", xpath: "Loop" },
						{ name: "RepeatingSegment", xpath: "./RepeatingSegment" }

            //This creates an Infragistics datasource from the XML 
            //and the Schema which can be consumed by the grid.
            var ds = new $.ig.DataSource({
                type: "xml",
                dataSource: xmlDoc,
                schema: xmlSchema

                dataSource: ds, //$.ig.DataSource object defined above
                autoGenerateColumns: false,
                columns: [
                    { headerText: "type", key: "type" }
                columnLayouts : [{
                    key: "Loop",
                    autoGenerateColumns: false,
                    columns: [
                       /* { headerText: "LoopType", key: "type" },
						{ headerText: "Count", key: "count" },*/
						{ headerText: "AssignedId", key: "LIN01" },
						{ headerText: "Vendors Part Number", key: "LIN03" },
						{ headerText: "Manufacturers Part Number", key: "LIN05" }
						/*{ headerText: "LoopType", key: "type" },
                        { headerText: "Age", key: "Age" },
                        { headerText: "Email", key: "Email" }*/
                    columnLayouts : [{
                        key: "Loop",
                        autoGenerateColumns: false,
                        columns: [
                            { headerText: "LoopType", key: "type" }
                            /*{ headerText: "Age", key: "Age" },
                            { headerText: "Email", key: "Email" }*/
					rendered: function(evt, ui) { 
						$('#filterType').on("input", function() { 	
							let $grid = $("#hierarchicalGrid1");
							let filterExpressions = [];
							let cols = $"igGrid").options.columns;
							for(let i = 0; i < cols.length; i++) {
								if (cols[i].dataType === "string")
									filterExpressions.push({fieldName: cols[i].key, expr: this.value, cond: "contains", logic: "OR"});
							$grid.igGridFiltering("filter", filterExpressions, false);
					features: [
						name: "Filtering",
						type: "local",
						inherit: true


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