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Can igTextEditor be created as to permit multiple-line of data?

When creating the igTextEditor control is there is way to have it created as a <textarea> rather than <input type="text">? or is there a way to make it behave like <textarea> ? This is primarily because of how it works with IE. When pasting text containing an LF character in the string, the LF and everything after it is truncated (a problem with IE).

I'm using igniteUI 19.1.

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  • 17590
    Offline posted

    Hello Ray,

    Thank you for posting in our community.

    What I believe may help you achieve your requirement is setting the textMode option of the igTextEditor to "multiline". In this scenario multiline editor based on TEXTAREA is created. For example:

        textMode: "multiline"

    Please test this on your side and let me know how if you need any further assistance with this matter.

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