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IgCombo at IGrid colum with remote paging error and edit/updating/add/delete enable


I am testing/checking infragistics capabilities and I have been working specifically with above two widgets. IgGrid remote features are working well, as well as IgCombo remote features. However, I found an error while trying to combine both widgets at the same time. IgCombo in IgGrid column edit/updating/add/delete enable:

        name: 'Updating',
        enableAddRow: true,
        enableDeleteRow: true,
        editMode: 'row',
        columnSettings: [
                columnKey: "journal_gl_chart_id",
                editorType: 'combo',
                required: true,
                editorOptions: {
                    mode: "dropdown",
                    loadOnDemandSettings: {
                        enabled: true,
                        pageSize: 20
                    responseDataKey: "data",
                    responseTotalRecCountKey: "recordCountKey",
                    dataSource: location.protocol + "//" + + '/Journal/GetCharts/',
                    dataSourceType: 'json',
                    HeaderTemplate: '<div class="boxed">Charts</div>',
                    footerTemplate: '<div class="boxed">Chart Count: {0} of {3}</div>',
                    textKey: "chart_master_code",
                    valueKey: "chart_master_id"
                columnKey: "journal_gl_description",
                editorType: 'string',
                required: true

If I set up above IgCombo as a sole combobox, It will work without problems, on the other hand if I set up IgGrid column as a IgCombo with local json. It works too.


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