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IgPivotView Shortcomings - Filter pop-up


I was recently tasked with choosing a suitable pivot web component for our web portal. Because we have an IgniteUI license, I first checked out your IgPivotView but found it a bit lacking for the following reason:

When filtering on a column/row field associated with allot of data...

  •  You can't perform any additional filtering in the pop-up.
  • The pop-up doesn't have a vertical scrollbar so without hierarchies the pop-up will grow to ridiculous heights. (see screenshot)
  • There is no (un)check all option in this pop-up.

We didn't find any option(s) to configure this behavior but we noticed that you can define hierarchies and that these persist in the filter pop-up. Unfortunately, that's not what we want so we decided to choose pivottable.js, as it has out of the box support for these issues. (see screenshot)

Personally, I had a bit of difficulty configuring your component (layout wise & code wise - see screenshot), but that's subjective so
I can't really list that as an issue. In comparison though, it was considerable easier to get the same end result with pivottable.js.

If you were to fix these issues, we might reconsider your component, but for now we stand by our choice. By posting this, we wanted to let you know what our motivations were so you can make your product better. We will monitor this thread but we will not actively partake in any requests for samples.

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    Hello Michael,

    Thank you for your feedback.

    On your questions:

    1. "You can't perform any additional filtering in the pop-up." - Yes. There is no input field to type search criteria. We will consider this as a new feature request and will bring it to the attention of our product owner.
    2. "The pop-up doesn't have a vertical scrollbar so without hierarchies the pop-up will grow to ridiculous heights." - You're correct. That's an issue that we will fix in our next Service Release.
    3. "There is no (un)check all option in this pop-up." - For the top level nodes there is no such functionality (again we will consider this as a new feature request and discuss it with our product owner). In order to overcome this you can define an one node top level "All" hierarchy as it is demonstrated in our online sample here: (see the "All Sellers" column and configuration)


    Best regards,

    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.

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