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ColumnChooser Positioning


I am using IGGrid in my project. Could you please help in letting me know how to position ColumnChooser dialog? By default , it opens up in center. My grid can be resized and if grid becomes small, ColumnChooser is not usable at all.


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  • 7375
    Offline posted

    Hello Chirag,

    Thank you for posting to our forum.

    As per your instructions I performed some testing for featureChooser through below online sample.

    The steps I have taken are :

    1) Referring this online sample and opened the Feature chooser, it did open in the middle of the page.
    2) Now I open the JS fiddle attached to the sample and reduce the number of columns to make the grid small.
    3) And also resized the window and then open the feature choose.
    4)Now I found chooser opened in the top of the grid (Find the attached sample) and you can still easily access it.

    I would like to know if I am missing any step or do I have to modify the sample in order to reproduce the issue.

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