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igGrid - formating a link in a column using a template


I'm trying to display some json data in the grid (2017.1). I've set the grid up as follows:

                dataSource: gdata,
                width: "100%",
                renderCheckboxes: true,
                autoGenerateColumns: false,
                columns: [
                    { key: "Haulier", headerText: "Company", dataType: "string" },
                    { key: "Job", headerText: "Job", dataType: "string", unbound: true, template: jobTemplate },
                    { key: "JobType", headerText: "Job Type", dataType: "string" },
                    { key: "CollectionFrom", headerText: "Collection", dataType: "string" },
                    { key: "DeliveryTo", headerText: "Delivery", dataType: "string" },
                    { key: "DateAssigned", headerText: "Assigned to you", dataType: "date", format: "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm" },
                    { key: "AssignedTo", headerText: "Driver", dataType: "string" }
                features: [
                        name: "Filtering"
                        name: "Paging",
                        showPageSizeDropDown: false
                        name: "Sorting"
                        name: "Selection",
                        inherit: true

jobTemplate is defined as < a href=/SupplierPortal/Itinerary/Itinerary/${ItineraryID}>${Reference}< /a>  (spaces added to avoid being interpreted as HTML)

So I want a link that ends in the value of the ItineraryID fields from the json, and displays the Reference field on the page. The column on the grid remains blank though (the other columns are populated okay). I presume I'm not specifying the column template correctly - can anyone tell me what it should be?

The json looks like this (but with more rows):

[{"ItineraryID":"b7a46736-4a06-4cf5-94e7-5a2b67c1ad3e","Haulier":"Test","Reference":"RX356562","JobType":"Collection","CollectionFrom":"JGRG233396/1: Bousbecque 59166","DeliveryTo":"","DateAssigned":"2016-10-07T13:11:00","AssignedTo":null}]

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