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Use mask editor inside my custom react component

I don't want to use the UI associated to the ignite mask editor, I just want to use the underline API. Are they separate code base and if so how do I create a plain old javascript object of igMaskEditor. I want to set the input mask and value and call an isvalid method to check if current input is good.

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  • 2895

    Hello Michael, 

    Thank you for using our community. 

    The igMaskEditor is a whole component that goes together with the API. You cannot use only the API separately from the UI element.  I’m not sure what is your scenario exactly and what options from the igMaskEditor you need, but what I could suggest you is to use our igValidator control in order to validate your input.   

    Marina Stoyanova,
    Software Developer,
    Infragistics, Inc.

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