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I tried to implement igHierarachicalGrid in MVC but when i load the view its not showing any data.Could you please help me to sort out this issue. I attached the code with this, could you please check and help me to resolve this issue.

I tried to implement igHierarachicalGrid in MVC but when i load the view its not showing any data.Could you please help me to sort out this issue. I attached the code with this, could you please check and help me to resolve this issue.
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  • 23953
    Offline posted

    Hello Binoy,

    In the most simple case where you don't need remote grid features or Load on Demand functionality you don't need the DataSourceUrl setting. I've updated your sample where I use the Model to bind the grid to the data. You can find it attached.

    Best regards,
    Martin Pavlov
    Infragistics, Inc.
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