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ColumnChooser aus an own button

Hi there and a happy new year to all.

I would like to create a single button/dropdown in my html-header above the grid or (even better) alligned to the right side of the Drag&Drop-GroupBy-Area of the Grid. Thgis Button/Dropdown should open the ColumnChooser dropdown menu (to select wich colums a customer wants to hide or show).

I know how to get this into the colum-headers, but I would like to have one single button that directly opens the ColumnChooser-Dialog. Is this possiple? 

Best Andy

  • 1235
    Verified Answer

    Hello Andreas,

    There is a showColumnChooser method in the igGridHiding, which directly opens the columnChooser dialog.

    I have attached a sample, demonstrating a way of opening the columnChooser with a button, placed within the GroupBy area.

    Please feel free to contact me if you have further questions.

    Ivaylo Hubenov
    Entry-level developer
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