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igUpload: e.AdditionalDataFields is always NULL

Ran across this issue: and wondering if this issue affects the MVC helper as well?

With the file upload, I need to capture user input that is associated with the file.  I have looked at,  I have had no luck with passing the data, even the static text from the example does not come acorss.

I have the following in Application_Start()

Dim controlId As String = "igUploadProjectDocTypes"
        UploadProgressManager.Instance.AddStartingUploadEventHandler(controlId, AddressOf Controllers.ProjectDocumentsController.igUpload_UploadStarting)
        UploadProgressManager.Instance.AddFinishedUploadEventHandler(controlId, AddressOf Controllers.ProjectDocumentsController.igUpload_UploadFinished)

And both events are being called (breakpoints are hit)

Public Shared Sub igUpload_UploadStarting(sender As Object, e As UploadStartingEventArgs)
Public Shared Sub igUpload_UploadFinished(sender As Object, e As UploadFinishedEventArgs)

@(Html.Infragistics.Upload() _
                   .ID("igUploadProject") _
                   .Mode(UploadMode.Multiple) _
                   .MultipleFiles(True) _
                   .AutoStartUpload(False) _
                   .ProgressUrl(Url.Content("~/IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx")) _
                   .ControlId("igUploadProjectDocTypes") _

The alert for with `JQuery` does execute.
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
        $("#igUploadProject").on("iguploadonformdatasubmit"function (evt, ui) {
            $("#igUploadProject").igUpload("addDataField", ui.formData, { "name""Parameter Name""value""Value" });
        $("#igUploadProject").on("iguploadfileuploading"function (evt, ui) {
        $("#igUploadProject").on("iguploadfileuploaded"function (evt, ui) {
            alert('on(iguploadfileuploaded) ' + ui.fileInfo.serverMessage);
        $("#igUploadProject").on("iguploadonerror"function (evt, ui) {
            // This property can be set during the
            // server event UploadStarting. If not set it’s
            // an empty string. (You can use it to display custom error messages.)

IgniteUI: 21.1.11
JQuery: 3.6.0

Update 2021-07-21

I switch to the jQuery version and the upload works:

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function () {
            mode: "single",
            autostartupload: false,
            controlId: "upload",
            useSingleRequest: true,
            progressUrl: "../../IGUploadStatusHandler.ashx"
        $("#upload").on("iguploadfileuploading", function (evt, ui) {
        $("#upload").on("iguploadfileuploaded", function (evt, ui) {
            alert('on("iguploadfileuploaded"' + ui.fileInfo.serverMessage);
        $("#upload").on("iguploadonerror", function (evt, ui) {
            // This property can be set during the
            // server event UploadStarting. If not set it’s
            // an empty string. (You can use it to display custom error messages.)
        //$("#upload").on("iguploadonformdatasubmit", function (evt, ui) {
        //    $("#upload").igUpload("addDataField", ui.formData, { "name": "Parameter Name", "value": "Value" });
        // Workaround:
        $("#upload").on("iguploadonformdatasubmit", function (evt, ui) {
            // switct form data parameters order
            var fileId = "upload_" + ui.fileId + "__frm_if";
            var fileInfo = ui.formData.get(fileId);
            ui.formData.append("Parameter Name", "Value");
            ui.formData.append(fileId, fileInfo);

<div id="upload"></div>
  • 1300
    Offline posted

    Hello Pete,

    I am glad that you were able to achieve your requirement. Additionally, the described approach could be used with igUpload defined in Razor syntax:







    <script type="text/javascript">

            $(function () {


                $("#igUpload1").on("iguploadonformdatasubmit", function (evt, ui) {

                    // switct form data parameters order

                    var fileId = "upload_" + ui.fileId + "__frm_if";

                    var fileInfo = ui.fileId;

                    var fileName = ui.fileInfo.path;


                    ui.formData.append("Parameter Name", "Value");

                    ui.formData.append(fileId, fileInfo);

                    ui.formData.append("fileName", fileName);




    Below I am attaching a sample with igUpload defined in Razor syntax. Please test it on your side and let me know if you need any further information regarding this matter.

    Monika Kirkova,

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