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IgGrid summaries for the columns which are not displayed


i am currently displaying a grid with 100 records and the iggrid summaries work fine for those records which are currently being displayed. But when i have more than 100 records, then i have more than 1 pages in the grid (100 records per page). How can i display the summary of all the records in the grid and not just the 100 records which are being displayed in the grid?

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    To display summaries for all records in your igGrid, not just those visible on the current page, you'll need to adjust the grid's configuration to calculate summaries based on the entire dataset rather than just the displayed page. This might involve server-side processing if the summaries are not calculated client-side. Ensure your grid's summary settings are configured to aggregate over the entire dataset. You might need to implement custom logic or use a specific feature of the grid API that supports global summaries. For detailed implementation, refer to the Infragistics documentation or forums for examples or guidance specific to handling summaries across multiple pages.


    James from Y9 Games

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