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Alternative of Webcombo

Hi, I was using webcombo in version11. 1 but it is not compatible in edge and chrome. Can anyone suggest me alternative of webcombo in version17. 1 so that it will be compatible in edge and chrome? 

Thank you! 

Parents Reply
  • 1560
    Offline posted in reply to G K


    Here could be found a table that lists all the ASP.NET assemblies included in the Ultimate UI for ASP.NET product suite. as well as the components included in each assembly. There are also references to the help topics of the listed components which could be useful.

    As it is mentioned there the WebDropDown control is part of the Infragistics4.Web.v21.2 dll.

    Let me know if I may be of any further assistance.

    Teodosia Hristodorova
    Software Developer

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