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IgxDataChartComponent does not repaint with newly applied color theme

I am seeing an issue with the IgxDataChartComponent when I toggle my application theme. If the chart is on the screen at the time of the style change, the style change does not get applied to this component, but if I re-create the component then the style gets applied. I noticed there is a styleUpdated() function in the chart, but invoking this does not appear to do help.

As a work-around, I have written my Angular template so that the chart will get re-created when the theme is switched, which is not ideal, since it obviously resets the zoom level etc. Is this a known issue? Or is there a correct way to get the chart to repaint when the global theme is changed?

  • 28945
    Offline posted

    Hello Nick, 

    Please attach a sample project isolating the behavior. Are you setting any chart properties that style the chart? If so, they will override any css applied. 

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