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Problem with Igx-Combo


I have a problem when I want to use Igx-Combo on Igx-Tab which is itself on Igx-Dialog.
I get an error message when I want to close the combo in this method

public singleSelectionTask(event: IComboSelectionChangingEventArgs) {
  if (event.added.length) {
    event.newSelection = event.added;


When I position Igx-Combo outside Igx-Tab, I have no problem.

Thanks for your help.

Best regards,

Philippe DUFEIL

  • 620
    Verified Answer
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    Hello Philippe,

    Thank you for posting into our community!

    I have been looking into your question, however, on my side, I was not able to reproduce this behavior and the combo is closed without any errors in the DevTools Console.

    Having this in mind, could you please provide a small working sample that demonstrates the behavior on your side?

    Additionally, it is recommended to use the IgxSimpleCombo instead of modifying the IgxCombo with the following code:

    public singleSelectionTask(event: IComboSelectionChangingEventArgs) {
        if (event.added.length) {
            event.newSelection = event.added;

    However, if you would like to use the IgxCombo instead, what I could suggest, in order to close the combo after selecting/deselecting an item, is using the owner argument which provides a reference to the owner component, i.e., the IgxCombo.

    public singleSelectionTask(event: IComboSelectionChangingEventArgs) {

    Please test this approach on your side and let me know how it behaves.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Riva Ivanova
    Associate Software Developer

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