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igx-input-group - input element focus in and out not working

Hi Team,

Query 1. we are migrating our project from Angular 15 to 16. we facing some issue that in the below code we used igx-input-group but when click the input that is not focused or highlighted and unable to edit.

module we used,

infragistics version in package.json

Query 2. In the below case after edit the input value and click out side of the input, exist is not working

Please let me know if I missed anything or give me a solution why edit and exist of input field not working. Advance thanks!!!.

  • 600
    Offline posted

    Hello Saravanan,

    Thank you for posting in our community!

    I have been looking into your questions, however, when testing these behaviors in one of our IgxInputGroup samples here, as well as the others, I was not able to reproduce it on my side.

    Additionally, from the provided screenshots, I can see that there are many custom methods with custom logic regarding the focus and focusout events which leads me to think that this behaviors may be due to your custom implementations since the IgxInputGroup itself does not reproduce this.

    Having this in mind, I would suggest testing this with a simplified configuration of the IgxInputGroup, such that the focus and focusout events are not used, for example, like this one here.

    If the described behavior is still reproducible, in order to assist you further, it would be helpful if you could provide me with a small, isolated sample that demonstrates the behavior on your side. However, if the behavior is not reproducible, this may indicate that the behavior is local to your own project configuration and environment and could be considered beyond the scope of Infragistics Support.

    Please test the sample on your side and let me know how it behaves.

    Looking forward to your reply.

    Riva Ivanova
    Associate Software Developer

  • 70
    Offline posted in reply to Riva Ivanova

    Hi ,

    The issue because of our custom styles, I resolved the issue, thank you for your assistance.

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